Given what’s going on around the world today, it’s quite frustrating to hear that some people still don’t care. Worse, they will tell you that climate change isn’t real. Before you give up on them, it’s important to know why they think that way so that you can open their eyes to the reality of what’s going on.
They feed themselves with propaganda media
When you only follow one news media outlet, and it keeps feeding you with negative information about global warming, it’s easier for you to believe them. They will come up with all conspiracy theories so that you won’t believe that climate change is real. Therefore, it’s important to convince these people to expand their sources of information so they will have a different view of things. There’s no need to change their views right away, but they need to at least look at other possible perspectives.
It’s more convenient to avoid environmental protection efforts
It’s not easy to protect the environment. Taking the right steps requires tons of effort. Instead of immediately throwing trash in a bin, you need to segregate it. You also have to label the trash properly. Instead of throwing the bags in a garbage collection truck, you have to make sure that you partner with a collection company that ensures the trash gets properly disposed of. You might even need a reliable junk removal company to help you with this endeavor. Considering all the steps you have to take, it’s simply easier to not believe in climate change and do things like you normally would.
There are no efforts in the community
In some areas, neighborhoods are active in taking steps toward environmental protection. It doesn’t exist in other places, though. As such, some people think that there’s no need to do anything. They might not even be aware that the environment is already in a terrible state. If you’re a part of the community, it’s time to take things into your own hands. Start organizations and activities that allow you to contribute to environmental protection.
It could be a generational gap
For the older generation, environmental issues are not a concern. They grew up in a different world, and they had different concerns. Therefore, when you talk about environmental problems, they might not care. They think there’s nothing wrong, especially since they’ve lived for a long time, and haven’t done anything to save the environment. Starting a conversation with them could help bridge that gap and make them realize that something needs to happen. The world is changing, and things aren’t the same as when they were growing up.
Convincing some people to think that everything is unusual might be difficult, but it’s possible. You have to be patient with them, especially when they already have deeply-held beliefs. You might also have deep philosophical beliefs that you’re not willing to change at all. Therefore, you can’t give up on them. You need everyone to take part in environmental conservation efforts.