Saddle flasks are an accessory for equine and vintage hunting and were used by horse riders commonly in the recent few centuries. Still, they are very common and are used to store liquids. When horse riding or hunting, the travelers who are going long distance or hunting, they keep it with them. Also, saddle flasks are considered as memorabilia item popularly, and its collectors will pay a high price to add it in their collections.
Only two types of saddle flasks are available nowadays, one is made from pewter, and the other is made from glass.
Older Saddle Flasks
Lots of older ones are made from hefty crystal, while others are made completely of stainless steel, silver or lead. Some of them also may be silver-plated. At the front of the saddle, D-rings are connected to the flasks. It is secured to the steed by a wide strap that passes under the saddle flap as well as attaches to the girth bands. The leather case permits accessory to a lot of saddles on both sides. The shape of such flasks is normally cone-shaped. However, some might even be rectangular.
While glass saddle flasks are mostly ordinary on the outside, others have attractive detailed designs engraved on them. Some also have a short quote or a date for a remarkable celebration engraved onto them. Saddle flasks might be colored or may be transparent. Common colors are blue, cranberry, and light green. Flasks for women are smaller as well as have designs that are much more intricate. The ability of the flask normally differs from 300ml to 400ml, as well as their conventional elevation is 27cm.
Bespoke saddle flasks are accompanied by a hand-made natural leather saddle case. The instance typically comes in 2 colors, black as well as brown.
If you are interested in saddle flasks, you can buy them from Saddle flasks online shop.