It is a match! Internet dating is steadily growing in popularity, as well as constantly evolving. In the past, dating websites dominated the industry. With mobile applications, this activity is transforming to help individuals find matches faster and easier than before. In fact, this thing has become very popular that, according to experts, at least 50% of singles have at least used online dating platforms and created their profile.
But while meeting people romantically is alive and well, it is imperative to keep in mind how to stay secure and safe while meeting with strangers or individuals you do not know that well. To help users safely embark on this journey in finding the right person for them, keep these tips in mind.
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Do thorough research
People need to know the drill – they need to do some simple research on the Internet before meeting their match. That does not mean becoming a creepy stalker. It means that they need to ensure that they have at least an idea of who the individual is before they meet with them. If possible, people should try to find images and see what more information comes up about a possible match beyond Instagram and Facebook.
Use a voice number application
To take safety a step further, users can get free Google Voice phone numbers. With this application, users will be able to check their calls, messages, and voicemails without giving out their real numbers. They can also block people who come across as sketchy. Individuals should keep their personal numbers secure and safe, and only for individuals they feel comfortable with.
Video chat with the other party before the meeting
Today, there are a lot of ways to video chat with a person, with the ability to use Skype, Google Hangouts, and FaceTime; even Facebook has video call capability. It is an excellent idea to get a look at the other party before meeting them. It could also help to minimize the risk of being lured into a relationship or “catfished” by people claiming to be someone they are not.
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Chat by mobile phone before the scheduled first date
You need to go old-school and reach out using your mobile phone before the first date. It is because talking through phones allows people to hear the other party and pick up on specific verbal cues that may be hidden through texts, emails, or direct messaging. Not only that, it will give a person the chance to feel the other person better before their first meeting.
Take public transportation or drive yourself
Do not accept the invitation to carpool. For safety purposes, use public transportation or take your own car if possible. Dating applications also share this tip for users since the other party would find out where you live and have control over where you go by carpooling. Taking your own car can also minimize the risk of putting yourself in a very uncomfortable or dangerous situation since you will be in total control over where you want to go.
Setup the meetup place in a public area
For the first couple of dates, make sure to avoid going to private places with your date. Instead, ensure that the meetup is a public area where there are a lot of individuals around, like skating rinks, coffee shops, restaurants, or places where there is a good crowd. In case that you feel unsafe and uncomfortable, there will be tons of individuals around who are ready to help.
Not only that, it allows friends or family members to be present or near the vicinity in case something goes wrong. Another good tip: if a person visits a restaurant or bar, let the waiters or bartenders know if things are not going right on the date through some simple codes. Some restaurants or bars have codes like asking for Angel Shots that customers could use to notify their staff members that something is not right.
Tell someone about the date
Let someone else know about the date, the person you will be meeting, where the date is happening, the time of the date, when you expect to be back from the event, and other essential details. Experts suggest that people do this regularly for a successful and safe first date. It gives individuals the comfort of knowing that someone close to them knows where they are supposed to be in case something bad happens.