Renting a car can be an excellent and economical alternative in many situations. For travel and small commitments, leasing vehicles has proved to be one of the leading solutions for many people. Take some precautions to avoid headaches in the future.
For those who want to rent a car to travel, it is essential to be aware of when hiring the vehicle at any rental. It is indicated to search about the company, its conditions, how the car is delivered and among others.
A Car Rental has separated the seven most recurring queries to help you lease your first vehicle. Check here:
· Who Can Rent?
First of all, the driver must be enabled, in category compatible with the vehicle you wish to rent. In Brazil, most rental companies usually stipulate a minimum age of 21 or charge an additional one for drivers 18-21 years old.
· Is There A Charge For Miles?
The most common is that the mileage is already included in the deductible. However, it is possible to make individual plans and pay the part the kilometres rolled. It is crucial to define all of these items at the time of rental.
· Does The Car Come With A Full Tank?
It is not a rule, but in most cases, the vehicle tank is full. The trick is to always return the vehicle with the same amount of fuel at the time of rental. That’s because the rental companies usually charge “service fee”, which ends up making the rent more expensive.
· Is The Car Already Secured?
Most rental companies do not usually sell insurance together with the lease. What is ultimately happening is the payment of a fee that exempts the hirer from liability for possible damages. To know which claims are covered by this protection is necessary to verify at the time of payment of the fee.
· Who Is Responsible If The Car Breaks Down?
It is usual for the rental companies to provide a telephone for emergencies, should there be any unforeseen circumstances. However, the maintenance costs depend on the security package chosen by the renter.
Therefore, it is always important to review the services included at the time of rental to avoid unpleasant surprises.