People do end up cheating on their partners at some point in their lives. It does not happen with everyone and all the time, but extra marital affairs are becoming more and more common by the day. Even devoted couples can give in to temptation, even though marriages have become fairly flexible and even disposable with the growing series of divorces.
Technology has come up with clever ways to spy and reveal the truthfulness of a cheating partner. When a partner is suspecting his/her spouse of cheating, they are turning to the latest technological trends with the spy applications.
Technology favors Infidelity
Technology has made it easier for couples to practice infidelity. There are countless ways to interact with each other through exchanging texts and images, pin mark meeting spots or even hold erotic video chats with each other. While the faithful spouse at home has no idea what is going on around them, foreplay could be happening at any time and any place.
However, if the marriage has been a long one, the suspecting spouse’s instinct warns them of something fishy happening around them. A potential dalliance can leave many clues on smart phones, tablets and computers that can be detectable. But the first thing that you do before taking action on your suspicions is, having a frank and honest confrontation with your spouse to clear the void.
Busting the Cheater
A cheating partner can usually be noticed turning their mobile away from others, even their own spouse. This is a classic case of hiding illicit conversations with someone outside the marriage. The cheating partner would always set a password on their phone and keep changing it in order to protect the secrets inside.
The push notifications appearing with the beginning of the text or email can also incriminate the cheating spouse. A suspicious notification flash or a complete absence of them should trigger suspicion. The easiest way out is to keep two separate phones to keep both romantic lives apart.
Secret Applications
Once installed on the spouse’s phone, the spy apps secretly track the mobility of the partner, along with all that he/she does on the phone. These apps can be installed just by the click of a button on your smart phone. With the advanced technology in cameras, they are getting smaller by the day and hence easy to install and conceal at any convenient location.
The tiny cameras and DVR systems are equipped with the latest motion detection system, HD video, remote controlled and with a large capacitated storage card. You can choose from a wide variety of small cameras that cannot be suspected to be found watching.
Couples therapy can work wonders in an estranged relationship. However, if the marriage has not been healthy right from the beginning, the cheating could just be the beginning of a divorce proceeding. thetechnews.com enables the suspecting partner with the technological espionage to address their problem of infidelity with the aid of latest applications.