What Can Hemp Oil Do for Your Skin?

By / 4 years ago / Health / No Comments
What Can Hemp Oil Do for Your Skin?

Hemp seed oil, often referred to as “hemp oil,” is harvested through cold pressing hemp seeds. In cold pressing an oil seed, there is little to no use of heat to extract oils. This is an important method because it allows the oil’s natural flavor and nutritional quality to remain. This method involves crushing seeds or nuts and forcing out the oil through the application of pressure. Oils produced from cold pressing are unrefined.

Hemp oil is often clear green in color with a nutty aroma. It is different from cannabidiol or CBD, an extract of the cannabis plant that uses hemp flowers and leaves for production. Hemp seed oil is produced from the hemp seed itself and often does not contain any tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, the psychoactive component that produces the “high.” This oil has numerous health benefits, but we will be focusing on the external: our skin.

What can hemp oil do for our skin?

It is beneficial for our skin’s health due to the nourishing vitamins and moisturizing quality. Hemp oil can be used topically or orally to maximize its benefits.

  1. Keeps oil production moderated

Hemp seed oil is a good skin moisturizer for most, if not, all skin types because it is noncomedogenic. Simply put, it can moisturize your skin without clogging your pores because it does not contain pore-clogging ingredients. This oil can balance out the production of oil for skin types with excessive oil production without stripping the skin of hydrating properties. This is especially beneficial because when your skin is dry, it will overproduce oil to make up for the lack of moisture. The overproduction of oil then triggers acne.

  1. Soothes inflammation and moisturizes

Hemp oil contains an omega-6 fatty acid, which is gamma-linolenic acid or GLA. GLA is often called the “king’s cure-all” because of its prominence for swelling reduction by Native Americans. It made its way to Europe and became the go-to treatment for almost everything. However, modern research does not support all of GLA’s curative benefits in history.

GLA acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that encourages skin growth and skin cell regeneration. This fatty acid in hemp oil can reduce inflammation and irritation on the skin, such as acne and psoriasis. Hemp oil does that without taking moisture and nourishment away from your skin.

  1. Treat atopic dermatitis

The omega-6 and omega-3 rich acid in hemp seed oil make its topical and oral consumption a way to treat atopic dermatitis or eczema. It is a skin condition that makes the skin red and itchy. This condition is common among children but can also be experienced at any age. It is long-lasting and tends to flare up periodically, especially during seasonal changes.

As of today, there is no known cure for atopic dermatitis. However, evidence that hemp oil can reduce its symptoms and appearance after 20 weeks was found in a crossover study by the Kuopio University Hospital in Finland.

  1. Prevents aging

Hemp oil, aside from its ability to keep our skin moisturize and soothed, also has anti-aging properties. It can help reduce wrinkles and prevent signs of aging from developing. Some signs of skin aging include the loss of skin volume and facial contours, skin elasticity loss, and the formation of deep wrinkles.

The oil’s linoleic acid and oleic acids cannot be produced by the human body naturally. These two ingredients provide the aid for anti-aging.

How about the other benefits?

Hemp oil is a popular remedy for inflammation, skin disorders, menopause, etc. In this article, we talked about what it can do for our skin. Whether your goal is to achieve the social media-glorified “glass skin” or to cure your skin issues, using topical or oral hemp oil should not be done without thorough research.

Consulting a dermatologist on how your skin will possibly react to its ingredients is also a good idea. Since hemp seed oil is produced unrefined, the ingredients are minimal and might not be good for all skin types.

Will hemp oil work for everyone?

It is important to remember that skincare is not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. It requires consistency to yield actual and observable results. The journey of achieving good skin health and appearance involves rigorous trials and errors. To avoid wasting your time, energy, and money on products that may or may not work for you, consult professionals to aid in your skincare journey. Doing so will also decrease the chances of putting your skin in danger by using the wrong products.


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