Workout training programs are based on the following principles:
- The principle of progression of loads, which states: the athlete must regularly increase the training load.
- The principle of supercompensation, which divides the training process into 4 phases: trauma, recovery, supercompensation, loss of supercompensation. Regulates the frequency of training, allows you to determine the best moment for Buying HGH in USA.
- The principle of gradualness. The athlete must progress gradually. Otherwise – overtraining, refusal of training.
Learn more about training principles in Street Workout here.
Workout. Training programs for beginners
The first workout programs are not the implementation of complex and beautiful elements. This is the basic work for the development of all muscle groups.
Continue to progress at that pace. When you can catch up on the horizontal bar and push out on the bars 12-15 times in 7 approaches – proceed to the implementation of more complex elements.
Walkthrough for beginners
The main problem of most “sofa lovers” is the inability to start. Fear of the gaze of others, fear of something new and unknown.
This step-by-step algorithm for starting training is suitable for beginners who do not dare to start a new, healthy and strong life with Workout.
You do not need to make a plan, get nervous due to incomprehensions in the training process or the reaction of other people. We did it for you. Workout for beginners is divided into the following stages:
Absolute beginner. An ordinary person who does not know anything about training. It is permissible to have complexes “What will they say about me?”, “Suddenly I will be dishonored by those inflated men” and other psychological problems. An absolute beginner begins with home training. First, you gain confidence in your ability to perform strength exercises, and only then go out into people.
Absolute beginner number 2. We complement home workouts with jogging. It is permissible – in the morning or in the evening, when it is dark and no one sees you.
Newbie. We find a sports ground. You can – coo the site (about the differences below). To begin with, any platform on which there are horizontal bars and bars is suitable. Add running to street workouts.
Novice number 2. We expand the arsenal of workout exercises. Add more complex elements. “Going out” on the run. We get used to the fact that your running person will cause a little attention of others. We realize that others do not care about your complexes.
Workout. We move to a more equipped site (if your built in the days of Stalin and is already falling apart), we begin the usual training. We completely get rid of the complexes, we find comrades and like-minded people, we recall the first stage with a laugh.
Street workout is very simple, fun and interesting. This hobby, which complements your life, helps to reach a new level of physical and psychological development.
Just get rid of your fears using the above algorithm, and you will open up a new world of amazing opportunities!