You can follow the steps in order to run your first Adwords campaign:
- First, go to the Google Adwords homepage. You can find by searching it on Google.
- Use your Google account to sign up for Adwords.
- After that you have to select a network for your ads campaign. The display network is popular of all and you will not lose your money.
- Allocate your budget according to your strategy. You can make a plan for your ads and sales. Thus, you can follow the plan on the website.
- After that you have to think about the CPC and allocated location.
- The geographical location for showing ads has a lot of impact on price. The price for the same ad at one place differs from the price at another place.
Use the right keywords to drive more traffic:
The same way you have to do keyword research for SEO; you have to do it for making your ads as well. A well research keyword strategy can help you rank much better and it will drive more traffic to the site that finally ends the process by boosting up your sales. You should select the keyword keeping in mind the language preferences and also the geographical location. There are many prepared tools that you can use for doing the keyword research. Having good keyword research helps in the development and successful running of ads.
Always have a deep eye for the competition out there:
You not only face the competition in the organic searches but you also face competition in the ads too. There are a lot of factors that help the ads rank properly. But there is a simple solution for you. You can use the Google Adwords optimize services [รับ ทำ google adwords which is the term in thai] to do all the tasks for you. You can get the statistical data from the professional to see whether the ad is running successfully.