Kyle Dennis is a millionaire stock trader. Kyle is the owner of Biotech Breakouts which operates under the Raging Bull trading network. The service that he provides claims to teach people how to trade volatile biotech stocks successfully. Biotech stocks are very high risk/high reward and are known for their volatility.
Fortunes are made and lost from trading biotech stocks. The FDA approval process often drives the stock price. If a company’s drug or product gains FDA approval, then you can expect an extraordinary increase of the stock price. However, if FDA approval is denied, well, just don’t be the last one holding the bag!
Kyle Dennis learned from stock trading guru – Jason Bond. Kyles main claim to fame is that he traded $15k and turned it into $3 Million while he was learning from Jason Bond. Of course, there is no way to verify if this is true or not – but there are a lot of positive reviews out there that suggest Kyle does know how to trade biotech stocks with a great amount of success.
Kyle Dennis comes across as legit – his journey from student loan debt to millionaire stock trader is amazing and very inspiring. I have followed Kyle for years and have made some decent money trading his stock picks and following his stock alerts.
If you are considering trading biotech stocks or penny stocks, I think that it is worth at least trying his stock educational service out. He has some HUGE winning trades and some losers, but overall, he does well and so do his subscribers. I think that you can even attend one of his webinars for free and he use to give away a free trading course at the end of that webinar. I think he still does that, but you would need to check before signing up for the webinar.
Kyle started teaching his biotech trading strategy in 2016. His service now has thousands of active traders in it. Biotechbreakouts.com offers 3 different services; Sniper Report (long term swing trades), FDA Insider Alerts (swing trading newsletter) and The Nucleus program.
All his services excellent, but the Sniper Report offers the best value for experienced traders at only $99 for a whole year! That is crazy! If you want the full education and best shot at making millions trading biotech stocks, be sure to give the Nucleus program a try!