Many lifetimes ago, one of the main reasons weed advocates pushed for reform was that weed was natural. Although marijuana was legally treated as a drug, most of the other “drugs” were highly artificial or processed. In fact, both legal and illegal drugs often had side effects lists much longer than a plant that could grow in a garden. Furthermore, unlike other substances, it was almost impossible to overdose on marijuana.
Today, the eruption of choices has forever changed the cannabis world. It is possible to get product in a variety of concentrations and forms. Truthfully, some in the community have gravitated toward distillates as the cheapest source of a quick high. However, a growing number within the community is moving toward a more flavorful, natural experience.
Here are Four Reasons You Should Get to Know Live Rosin Vape
Avoid the Solvents
During the distillate process, high heat and solvents are used to create a concentrated THC product. The result is much higher levels of THC than is found in nature. At this point, the producers then further process the distillate to remove most of the solvents.
However, let’s be honest, wouldn’t it be better to just use a more natural process in the first place?
Unnecessary Processing
The idea of artificial processing itself is becoming a divide within the public. For a growing number of people, leaving things closer to their natural state is just better. This philosophical difference is also making waves within the marijuana industry.
By working to concentrate the THC, distillates also strip away everything about the plant that gives it character. They also make it possible to hide inferior quality crops.
As the last step, many manufacturers re-add artificial character in the form of terpenes from other plants. The end product is essentially the fast food of cannabis.
Entourage Effect
The entourage effect is a term to describe the missing impact of the materials stripped from over-processed cannabis. The idea is that all the compounds within marijuana combine naturally to create the great feeling we all remember.
Using heat and solvents like butane may leave you with a purer form of THC, but it does not leave you with a better product. The varied soup of terpenoids and flavonoids removed from the batch contributed to the high. These contributions cannot be duplicated by adding artificial flavors and chemicals from other plants.
The scientific evidence for the entourage effect is not yet present. However, the effect definitely describes a similar phenomenon found whenever genuine natural products are replaced. Fast food apple pie may taste just as sweet, but it probably doesn’t remind you of your grandmother’s house.
Because You Want the Experience Not Just The High
You don’t just want to get high. You want to enjoy the smooth natural flavor and mellow elevation that comes from live rosin vape. The rosin process leaves the plant as close to the natural state as possible. In that way, you can vape in privacy with the same experience as a weed smoke mini-vacation.
Bottom Line
If you are looking for organic, authentic tasting cannabis, the best weed experiences are found at Lowell Farms. Using all-natural ingredients and growing techniques, they promise top quality cannabis, rosin, and cannabidiol.
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