The hurdy gurdy is a rare musical instrument which was first introduced in 10th-century Europe. Over the years, we witnessed different variations of the instrument, which were often compared to other string instruments like the violin or guitar.
The hurdy gurdy was especially popular during the Renaissance period, but it became less popular with time. Today, the hurdy gurdy is once again gaining popularity all around the world because of its unique sound.
Buying a hurdy gurdy book can be beneficial as it helps you to learn more about the instrument. Additionally, you can learn different techniques to play the instrument. That being said let us look at the parts of the hurdy gurdy that are commonly explained in hurdy gurdy books.
The body of the hurdy-gurdy is the foundation of the instrument and resembles the shape of a violin or guitar. Traditionally, the hurdy gurdy was made from different types of wood including oak, maple, or spruce. The body plays a vital role in amplifying the sound produced by the strings. Even the size and shape of the body affect the tone of the instrument.
The wheel is an integral part of the hurdy-gurdy and is often referred to as the “buzzing bridge.” The wheel acts much like a violin bow as continuously rubs against the strings and generates vibrations. As the crank is rotated, the wheel spins against the strings, causing them to vibrate and produce sound. The player can control the speed and pressure of the wheel to modify the texture and volume of the sound.
The hurdy gurdy has multiple strings, including the melody strings, drone strings, and sympathetic strings. Melody strings are the ones that produce the actual tune, while the drone strings produce a constant pitch that gives the hurdy-gurdy its characteristic droning sound. The sympathetic strings may not be present in all models but resonate along with the other strings, adding depth and richness to the sound.
Final Words
The hurdy gurdy is a complex instrument. Each part of the hurdy gurdy is important and plays a specific role in creating a unique sound. From the wooden body to the wheel, every component is designed with precision.