The need for cardboard boxes is now starting to increase, considering that products sold through e-commerce are now using cardboard boxes when shipping to consumers ranging from small to large products.
The increasing need for cardboard boxes is influenced by consumers in e-commerce which are also increasing. Why are cardboard boxes being looked at by many business people, because it has many benefits? What are the functions of a cardboard box? Check out the following short reviews for Custom CBD oil packaging.
Protect the Product
The first function of the cardboard box is certainly to protect the product while it is being shipped. By using a cardboard box, the products you send will remain safe. Safe from anything that can damage the product. With a cardboard box too, you can do promotions for the products you sell and also the products sent to consumers can look more robust.
Many Products Can Be Packaged
Usually cardboard is widely used to pack electronic goods, shoes, clothes or bags. However, cardboard boxes can also be used for CBD products, for example for packaging frozen CBD products that will be sent to CBD distributors. By using a cardboard box, you can load a lot in 1 carton and handover to distributors is easier because it is more organized. Choosing the Custom Magnetic Closure Boxes is also important.
Avoid Changes in Taste and Aroma
The function of cardboard boxes in other CBD products is to maintain the quality of taste and aroma. CBD products that usually use cardboard boxes include CBD chocolates, gummies, or other types of preparations.
Carton Box Size Can Be Adjusted
You don’t need to doubt that the cardboard box used cannot accommodate or maintain the products you sell, because the size and type can be adjusted according to the needs of the product itself. You can order cardboard box products according to what you need and are also given a design that matches the persona of the product you are selling. That’s a glimpse of the benefits of cardboard boxes that are currently being used by business people. Choosing the Custom CBD packaging is also important here.
The Types of Cardboard That Are Widely Used In the Market
Manufacturers have made many innovations on cardboard products that are offered to business people, from shape to appearance. The following are the types of cardboard.
Single Wall
This single wall cardboard box usually consists of a top layer, a bottom layer and a corrugated layer in the middle. These cartons are often used to pack items weighing 1-20kg.
Double Wall
Double wall corrugated box is a corrugated cardboard sheet consisting of three ply sheets and two fluting layers. This type of cardboard box is suitable for packing items weighing 20-50 kg.